Monday, May 21, 2012

My Way of Releasing Emotions

I went through a lot when I was younger and very often I found myself crying myself to sleep at night. I am not mad or have hard feelings at the pain and hardships I went through but am grateful for them because they made me in to the person I am today and gave me the relationship with my Heavenly Father that I now rely on so much. I simply bring this up because by crying so much when I was younger and turning to my Heavenly Father for help. The Savior through the power of the Atonement was able to release those emotions that were getting stuck that might cause feelings of anger and hold grudges. But through the many tears I shed and with the help of my Savior I was able to let those feelings go and feel my Saviors Love and an Ultimate Freedom from the Powers and Emotions of the World. Now that I am older and still have emotional days, I still find myself crying myself to sleep and letting the Lord take my hard feelings away and replace them with ones of Love. I am Forever grateful for the relationship that I have with my Heavenly Father, and my Savior and that I could be living the life that I do!

A Sensitive FHE.

Somedays I am just so sensitive to the emotions that go on in my house. For the past couple of Family Home Evenings my Dad has been in the worst mood possible. He crawls out of his bed right before his favorite TV show comes on and then complains when he finds out that we haven't had FHE yet. We always make sure to wait for him even if it means that we have FHE at nine at night. Well tonight was just another stressful night of torcher as Dad complained about the whole thing and how we shouldn't even have family night. He then stormed out of the living room (to get his scriptures) and we didn't know why. All we knew was that he was mad that we made him turn off his show(that was being recorded). My mom, my brother, and I sat there for several minutes feeling like it was our fault that he was being this way, and letting his outrageous emotions hit home like an arrow hitting bullseye. After he returned we sang our opening song "How Firm a Foundation". 

3. Fear not, I am with thee; oh, be not dismayed,
For I am thy God and will still give thee aid. 
I'll strengthen thee, help thee and cause thee to stand,
Upheld by my righteous, omnipotent hand.

4. When through the deep waters I call thee to go,
The rivers of sorrow she not thee o'erflow,
For I will be with thee, thy troubles to bless,
And sanctify to the they deepest distress.

5. When through fiery trials thy pathway shall lie,
My grace, all sufficient, shall be thy supply.
They flam shall not hurt thee; I only design
They dross to consume and thy gold to refine.

This simply church Hymn helped me to come back to what is truly important in life. The Savior. The Savior is what makes me strong and feared by Satan. As I come closer to my Savior, He helps me to become the person I want to be. However the world and Satan want otherwise. He wants us to think that it is our fault that bad things happen and people act the way they do. He wants us to think we are hope less and weak. As we go through our daily lives and don't take the time to find our "Foundation", I have found that we become more open to the critics and the not so healthy emotions of the world. It is how I feel after a day like today that makes me want to become better and closer to my Savior because we do not need to feel this way. It is through the Atonement provided my our Savior, Jesus Christ that we can live our lives in Happiness and Eternal Joy. I am eternally grateful for my Savior and the power he has to remove the emotions that get stuck in us and fill the gapes with feelings of pure love.