Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Pizza.

I love frozen pizza's, and today my mom and I discovered that the Totino's pizza's were giving free Redbox codes on the inside of the box! We decided this was a great deal and bought three so each of us could have one(they are pretty small pizzas). Anyway, we got home and decided to add some more cheese, peppers and pepporoni's to them. So, my dad went to the freezer and pulled out what he thought was pepporoni but turned out to be sliced sausage. All of a sudden he was yelling because he didn't like that sausage and now that it had "touched" the pizza he threatened not to eat it.  This drove my mom and I crazy. However, we took off the sausage (the fact that it was sausage didn't bother us at all) from dad's pizza and convinced him that things would be OKAY. When the pizzas were done, we all sat down for dinner. My mother and I ate happily because pizza is a rare treat. Though, on the other side of the table my dad decided to sit and talk a bit before eating. He ended up talking about a subject that caused great confusion because of miscommunication (he tends to do that alot). Before he had even taken a bite of his pizza he was so confused, angry and annoyed with us that he could no longer eat. My dad simply got up and went to his room. After he left, my mother and I started laughing. (laughing is the only way to survive through tantrums like this) We finished out pizzas and stared at his pizza contemplating how he might react if we ate it. After of few minutes of discussion we decieded that he would probably moan and say things the would give us a headache later. So we put plastic wrap over it and put it in the fridge where it was not eaten until the next day. If you are reading this, you might not think this is anything crazy or weird or even irratating. But it is. It is for me. It is hard to live with so many unstable emotions. You never know when he will start to freak out or through a tantrum. All I know is that "when the storm goes away, I'll see the rainbow".

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