Sunday, April 8, 2012

The Dad I Love - Easter

It's tradition in my family to wake up early on easter morning and watch the sunrise and read the Easter story. So, the night before, my Mom and I invited my Dad to join us in the morning to watch the sunrise, read scriptures, and sing songs. We thought that he might not make it because he was on the schedule of staying up all night and sleeping all day. When we woke up in the morning, he was asleep, but when we went out side we found boiled colored eggs in plastic ziplock bags (because of the frost) scattered all over the backyard. It was fun to go around and collect the eggs. When we started to pick them up we noticed that Dad had written weird messages on them that made us laugh! Some of the eggs said: "Take me to your leader", "Chuck Norris egg, It will crack itself", "the Prodigal egg", "This is not a jig saw puzzle", "Don't press me in your journal, Yipes!". Other eggs had Easter scriptures, and some had fun pictures. It is these little surprises that lets me know that my Dad loves me and that he is thinking of me. This is the Dad I love. 

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